Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Arab nationalism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Arab nationalism - Research Paper Example To Schwartz it is the political participation and activity of Wahabism and Saudism that has led to the disparity and turbulence within the Muslims ranks and force must be used against them in order to neutralize the impact and provide Muslims with a better chance of protection of their political inspirations in the desired manner (Mikhail). Adeed Dawisha has taken into account the overall scenario with study and analysis of multiple retrospectives to analyze the situation and causes of Arab Nationalism and the overall effects associated with it. Adeed Dawisha has taken into account the perspective of the Israeli writers as well to assess the overall scenario in a more transparent manner. The writer has tried to assess the situation and phenomenon of Arab Nationalism from the perspective of political face and the factors and elements it incorporated in the social spectrum. The book provides an effective account of the events and the concepts based on the fact and support of the study of multiple social systems and political orders. The book does and the author does not limit itself to the study of Arab and Nationalism as a force, rather takes into account the parallel social systems of the western world as well to analyze the exact situation at hand. Arab Nationalism has a touch and shade of one of the ethnocentric approach that came to forth prior to it. This was in form of the Western cultural and nationalistic movement. Where the policies and manifestos were in line with the agenda of promoting their culture and society. The periods of study and focus in the entire study that seek more attention are the ones during the middle of First World War and the ones that were right before the start of Second World War. The two events were significant on multiple accounts and accords. The first being that of the vulnerable and nearly collapsed state of Ottoman Empire right in the middle of First World War where the Empire and Caliphate was on its last leg and needed a mere kick to come down. The second on account of the Second World War was that of Jewish settlements in that region that were thick and heavy during those days and were an open challenge to the Arab States and it broadly invoked the feeling of extended and hardliner nationalism amongst Muslims for the purpose of defending their values and independence from the challenges faced in multiple forms. Karsh & Efraim(Karsh) have tried to assess and understand the concept of Arab Nationalism and the Pan Arab movement. They have evaluated that the overall movement is based on the concept of oneness, unity and integration of the Muslim nations into one. Densely rich with the natural resources and other territorial and strategic advantages and edge against the other parts of the world, they felt the need for capitalizing on this advantage and making use of their policies and actions in a more collective way that would allow protection of their agendas and manifestos in the desired manner. The study also takes into account the important dimension of the reasons that have contributed towards the stalemate in the achievement of goals in the overall journey of Pan Arab movement. Century long movement is challenged with multiple threats all round. This comes

Monday, October 28, 2019

Sexual Abuse and Subsequent Suicidal Behaviour Essay Example for Free

Sexual Abuse and Subsequent Suicidal Behaviour Essay ABSTRACT. Suicidal behaviour is a cause for concern among many western countries; in general, it is most common among young women. This research used qualitative methods to explore the narratives of 24 Cate Curtis, PhD, lectures in psychology at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. She is interested in female self-harming behaviour, including self-mutilation and suicidal behaviour; social factors implicated both in engaging in self-harm and in recovery, particularly the roles played by family and friends; and barriers to help-seeking behaviour such as stigma. She is also interested in the ways people diagnosable with mental illness make sense of their experiences of being â€Å"unwell† and their experiences as consumers of mental health services. Cate has also worked in a number of social service agencies as a youth and community worker. Address correspondence to: Cate Curtis, PhD, Psychology Department, University of Waikato, Private Bag 3105, Hamilton, New Zealand (Email: [emailprotected]). The author wishes to thank the participants who candidly shared their experiences of suicidal behaviour and sexual abuse, and hopes that the opportunity to have their voices heard through this paper goes some way to repay their contribution. amine the meanings of events leading to and implicated in the recovery from suicidal behaviour. The research confirms sexual abuse as a common precursor to suicidal behaviour; several women asserted that they would not have attempted suicide if they did not have a sexual abuse history. KEYWORDS. Sexual abuse, suicidal behaviour, adolescent mental health, intervention Barriers to early death are increasingly strengthened through advances in medical science; we are more aware of the causes of premature death than ever before. Yet some young people continue to attempt (and in some cases succeed) to take their own lives. Internationally, adolescents and young adults are at greater risk of suicidal behaviour than other age groups (Gould et al., 1998; Romans, Martin, Anderson, Herbison, Mullen, 1995), and while males complete suicide at higher rates than females, rates of suicidal behaviour in general are considerably higher for females (Ministry of Youth Affairs, Ministry of Health, Te Puni Kokiri, 1998). Examinations of risk factors for suicidal behaviour have largely been quantitative in nature, seeking to determine correlations. Also, the majority of studies have been conducted with clinical populations. The research discussed in this paper attempts to address these possible methodological issues through the use of qualitative methods with a community sample. The paper discusses the experiences of women who engaged in suicidal behaviour while under the age of 25 through their first-hand accounts. Of particular interest is the relationship between sexual abuse and subsequent suicidal behaviour, and how sexual abuse impacts upon help-seeking behaviour and the efficacy of interventions for suicidal behaviour. Adults who have been victims of sexual abuse as children or adolescents report significantly greater symptoms indicative of depression, anxiety, and self-abusive and suicidal behaviour. In a 1992 study by Saunders, Villeponteaux, Lipovsky, Kilpatrick, and Veronen, abuse survivors were significantly more likely than others to meet diagnostic  criteria for agoraphobia, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, major depression, social phobia, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Vajda and Steinbeck (2000) found that childhood sexual abuse is a stronger predictor of repeated suicidal behaviour than individual characteristics and other stressors, and Read, Agar, Barker-Collo, and Davies (2001) found that â€Å"Current suicidality was predicted better by child sexual abuse (experienced on average 20 years previously) than a current diagnosis of depression† (p. 367). Rodriguez-Srednicki (2001) reported increased rates of drug use, alcohol abuse, disordered eating, risky sex, dissociation, self-mutilation, and suicidality in a sample of 175 female college students who were survivors of childhood sexual abuse, as compared to 266 female college students w ith no reported history of abuse. Likewise, elevated rates of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, drug or alcohol abuse, suicide attempts, and psychiatric admission were found in McCauley and colleagues’ (1997) study of childhood physical and sexual abuse in American women. Similar findings are reported by Polusny and Follette (1995), Silverman, Reinherz, and Giacona (1996), Stepakoff (1998), Read et al. (2001), and Read, Agar, Argyle, and Aderhold (2003) have linked sexual abuse to hallucinations, delusions, and thought disorders. Sexual abuse has been linked to a number of negative psychological outcomes in addition to diagnosable disorders. Effects include trouble sleeping, nervousness, thoughts of hurting oneself, and learning difficulties. Women whose abusive experiences occurred within the family are at greater risk of disturbance than other women (Sedney Brooks, 1984). Wagner and Linehan (1994) reported that not only are women who have been sexually abused more likely to engage in deliberate self-injury, their behaviour is also more likely to be lethal than that of women who did not report abuse. More recently, Gladstone, Parker, Mitchell, and Malhi (2004) argued that depressed women with a history of childhood sexual abuse may require specifically tailored interventions. While a casual reading of the literature may suggest that most women who have been sexually abused go on to experience psychological problems, the Otago Women’s Health Study found that only one in five women who reported sexual abuse as a child developed a psychiatric disorder (Ministry of Health, 1998). Reviewing a number of studies, Goodyear-Smith (1993) argued that the other forms of abuse and family dysfunction that tend to occur alongside sexual abuse may in fact play at least as great a part in later depression and psychological problems. Boudewyn and Liem (1995) suggested that the longer the duration and the more frequent and severe the sexual abuse, the more depression and self-destructiveness is likely. In a large random community study, Romans, Martin, and Mullen (1997) found that of their 252 participants, 26% of the participants reported sexual abuse before age 12 and 32% were sexually abused by the age of 16. Twenty-three (4.8%) of those interviewed reported a history of deliberate self-harm, and 22 of these 23 reported childhood sexual abuse. The one woman who self-harmed without a history of childhood sexual abuse reported sexual and physical assault as an adult. It should be noted that the vast majority of women who were sexually abused did not report self-harm. A clear â€Å"dose effect† was found: the more frequent and intrusive the childhood sexual abuse, the stronger the association with selfharm. This was also found in a study by Mullen, Martin, and Anderson (1996). Sexually abused participants who had self-harmed were more likely than other survivors of sexual abuse to report depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and to drink alcohol in excess of the r ecommended guidelines. They were also more likely to have experienced psychosocial disadvantage in their families of origin, such as low care/ high control relationships with their parents, parental discord, paternal depression or alcohol abuse, and physical abuse. Romans and colleagues’ study clearly demonstrates that although not all women who have  been sexually abused go on to harm themselves, the majority of women who harm themselves have been sexually abused. Although exact figures cannot be obtained and various definitions1 are used in the research, sexual abuse in girls and young women is not uncommon, and it is generally accepted that females are far more likely to be victims of sexual abuse than males. For example, Saunders and colleagues (1992) reported that 10% of the women in their study in South Carolina had been raped during childhood, a further 15.6% had been molested, and another 12% had been the victims of non-contact sexual assault (such as indecent exposure). When studied at age 18, 17% of females in a longitudinal study reported experiencing sexual abuse before age 16 (Fergusson, Lynskey, Horwood, 1996). However, it has been suggested that survivors in this age group are inclined not to report the abuse they have suffered (Ministry of Health, 1998). A study of 3000 women aged 18-65 (Anderson, Martin, Mullen, 1993) reported 32% being sexually abused before age 16. Using a somewhat narrower definition2 of sexual abuse than some, Muir (1993) found prevalence rates of 38% among women and 10% among men in her sample of university students. However, Romans, Martin, Anderson, Herbison, and Mullen (1995) argued that until recently most studies have involved atypical samples such as social agency clients and clinical inpatients, and criticisms of the link between childhood sexual abuse and later suicidality have been based on these methodological issues; for example, clinical inpatients may not be representative of the wider population of survivors of sexual abuse. Disclosure of abuse appears to be difficult for many survivors of sexual abuse, particularly disclosure to police or others outside their circle of significant others. This may have implications for the efficacy of counselling and therapy. International studies reviewed by Muir (2001) suggested that 20-30% of survivors of childhood sexual abuse do not disclose until adulthood, and in over half the cases where disclosure occurred during childhood (usually to a parent or parent figure or friend; only 4% disclosed  to a community figure, such as police, teachers, or social workers), no action was taken. The majority of participants in Muir’s (1993) study reported feeling scared, humiliated, guilty, and powerless at the time of the abuse. When asked how they felt immediately after disclosure, approximately one-third gave negative responses, such as guilt or shame. In some cases, the response of the person to whom they had disclosed was negative or unsupportive. For some participants, negative responses to the question seem largely predicated on a lack of response by the person disclosed to, or little change to the situation. Another study conducted by Muir (2001) found that fear of the consequences frequently affected women’s ability to disclose. Anderson and colleagues (1993) reported that only 7% of sexually abused participants reported the abuse to police or social services, and Romans, Martin, and Mullen (1996) suggested that sexual abuse by a family member is much less likely to be reported to police or social services than if the abuser is outside the family. In many cases, fears were not unfounded: disclosures were often met with disbelief or rejection on the part of the confidant. Similarly, Myer (1985) reported that of 43 mothers who attended a programme for mothers of father-daughter incest victims, only 56% protected their daughters, with 9% taking no action and the remaining 35% rejecting their daughters in favour of their partners (the perpetrators of abuse). Members of the latter two groups either denied the abuse took place, or blamed their daughters, claiming, for instance, that their daughters were seductive, provocative, or pathological liars. Denial of abuse during childhood is often particularly disempowering and engenders a sense of betrayal and may result in the abuse continuing. Withholding disclosure may be a way to retain control over one’s memories and emotions; as Muir (2001) discussed, control (or the lack of it) is frequently an important issue for survivors of abuse. Control may also be maintained through selective disclosure, or choosing confidants that maximise confidence about disclosure. It seems possible that  disclosure may impact mental health and potential suicidality, depending on how the disclosure is dealt with. If abuse is disclosed when it first occurs and is appropriately dealt with, the abuse survivor will have the opportunity to take whatever steps she feels necessary to re-establish her emotional equilibrium. On the other hand, if she is unable to disclose the abuse, or it is not dealt with appropriately, she may be at greater risk of feelings of guilt, anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression and the abuse may continue. These emotional responses could, in turn, lead to suicidality. Holguin and Hansen (2003) suggested that in addition to the impact of the abuse itself, the consequences of being labelled as sexually abused may have detrimental effects. They argued that the combination of negative expectations and biases may create a self-fulfilling prophecy, but acknowledge that further research into this area is required. Additionally, the mother’s response to a disclosure of sexual abuse is central to her daughter’s recovery (Candib, 1999). Furthermore, perpetrators of sexual abuse are rarely identified and even more rarely punished (Candib, 1999); if a girl’s mother does not support her, she may well receive no support at all. A link between delayed disclosure of abuse or inadequate response to disclosure and subsequent suicidal behaviour does not appear to have been researched. However, given what is known about increased likelihood of suicidal behaviour among survivors of sexual abuse, it seems plausible that the addition of a lack of support to deal with the abuse may exacerbate suicidality. In summary, the literature reviewed suggested that sexual abuse leads to an increased likelihood of depression, anxiety, trauma, and substance abuse, all of which have been associated with suicidal behaviour. While it would be incorrect to say that the majority of survivors of sexual abuse engage in suicidal behaviour, there is no doubt that the risk is increased, and Romans and colleagues’ findings (Romans et al., 1995, 1997) suggested that the majority of young women who attempt suicide have been sexually abused. Candib’s (1999) and Muir’s (2001) findings that those who do not disclose abuse or whose disclosure does not result in appropriate responses are at increased risk of distress suggests that the likelihood of subsequent suicidal behaviour may be raised in these groups; however, there appears to be little research on this topic. This research sought to explore the perceptions of women who had engaged in suicidal behaviour. While the  literature discussed above clearly points to a link between childhood sexual abuse and subsequent suicidal behaviour, the author was concerned to avoid assumptions about linkages between the two. The purpose of the research was to determine  how the women concerned (i.e., the survivors of suicidal behaviour) saw their behaviour, what they considered to be the factors that led to their suicidality, how they made sense of their actions, and how they moved beyond suicidal behaviour. Therefore few restrictions were placed on criteria for inclusion in the study and a research method was chosen that minimises the impact of the preconceived ideas of the researcher. Experience of sexual abuse was not a necessary criterion for inclusion in the study. Rather, this was a study of female suicidal behaviour that revealed a high prevalence of sexual abuse in participants’ histories. METHODS The population of interest in this research was women who engaged in non-fatal suicidal behaviour while under age 25. As noted by Gould and colleagues (1998), clinical samples demonstrate higher rates of co-morbidity than community samples, leading to an increased risk of sample bias. Due to this potential bias, and because a large number of young female self-injurers do not come to the attention of a mental health professional, a qualitative approach that included a non-clinical population was used. Eligibility for participation in the research included prior engagement in suicidal behaviour, while under age 25, cessation of suicidal behaviour for at least one year, and self-assessed as having recovered from suicidality. The latter two criterion were included both to ensure a degree of safety from distress that might have occured through taking part in the research and to increase the likelihood of participants having had some time to reflect on the cessation of their suicidal behaviour. However, it is acknowledged that the decision that suicidal behaviour should have ceased at least one year prior to participation is somewhat arbitrary. Personal experience of sexual abuse was not a criterion for participation. Participants were recruited through  presentations made to third-year and graduate psychology classes, through items placed in magazines and newspapers, via the e-mail lists of relevant information networks, and through letters and information sheets sent to relevant community organisations such as women’s groups and community support groups. Potential participants were invited to contact the researcher. An initial recruitment discussion took place during which the purpose of the study was discussed, along with eligibility criteria. Participants were asked if they had questions and then offered a written information sheet. Following this, eligible participants were invited to take some time to consider whether they wished to proceed and to contact the researcher again  if they did. Most participants decided immediately that they wished to proceed and made an appointment for an interview. Two possible participants were not heard from subsequent to the recruitment discussion, and one cancelled her appointment. Participants A total of 24 women took part in the research. The participants formed a diverse group; efforts were made to recruit participants from a variety of backgrounds, in an attempt to obtain a sample as representative of the population of interest as possible, given the sample size. The youngest participant was aged 21 at the time of the interview, while the oldest was 46. The average age was 29.6 years. All participants were born in New Zealand and of European descent, although two also were of Maori ethnicity (the indigenous people of New Zealand) and one was part-Asian. Most (n = 23) of the participants spent their childhood living with at least one biological parent, with the remaining participant had been adopted. However, only 11 participants reported that their biological parents were cohabiting at the time of the participant’s first suicide attempt. In eight cases, the parents separated at some point of the participant’s childhood or adolescence; in three cases one parent had died, and in one case both parents had died. Eleven participants were living in cities at the time of their first suicide attempt, nine in towns, and four  in rural areas. Socio-economic status and education levels were mixed, possibly as a result of the recruitment process; thirteen participants had completed some university courses. Interview and Procedures An open-ended, semi-structured method of interviewing was chosen in recognition that an attempt to fit the participants’ varied experiences into a â€Å"one size suits all† structure would risk losing the subtleties of their interpretations. This method facilitates access to information the researcher could not have considered (Burns, 1994). In line with the narrative approach, once the preliminaries to the interview had been conducted (discussion about consent, recording of the interview, making the participant comfortable, discussion of the topic, etc.), the participants were encouraged to tell their â€Å"story,† beginning with the background to becoming suicidal. Participants were asked in general terms how or why they became suicidal. They were not prompted by having possible risk factors suggested, such as sexual abuse. During this stage, the researcher’s  role was solely one of encouraging the process of story-telling. The second stage was one of seeking clarification and elaboration as required. Interviews lasted an average of two hours and all except three were conducted face to face, with two others being conducted by telephone and the remaining one a combination of telephone and electronic mail. Face-to-face interviews were conducted at the place of choice of the participant (in one case, at the participant’s workplace; in another, at the offices of a participant’s counsellor; and the remainder evenly split between the researcher’s university office and the participants’ homes). All face-to-face and telephone interviews were audio-taped. When transcribing was complete (within two weeks), a copy of the transcription was given to each participant to check for accuracy. No participants requested changes be made other than adding or correcting some details. Thematic data analysis was performed utilising the QSR Nud*ist qualitative data analysis software package. A suitable coding structure was developed through this process,  with branches for risk factors, other self-harming behaviours, interventions/therapies, and factors in cessation. Results A range of both proximal and distal factors were discussed by participants as contributing to their suicidal behaviour. Although suicidal behaviour was often triggered by an immediately preceding event, it was clear from the participants’ narratives that suicidal behaviour occurred against a background of long-term disturbance and dysfunction. All participants spoke about combinations of factors, and, with the exclusion of two women who considered that their suicidal behaviour was primarily due to biological causes (Kate and Lucy3), all the participants spoke of issues within their family being key contributors. While the divorce of parents does not seem particularly common (eight out of 24 participants), most of the others spoke of a large amount of parental conflict that did not result in divorce. Additionally, there were five parental deaths, two of which were suicides, and a number of other issues as discussed above. Almost all participants spoke of some level of physical or emotional abuse within the family that was sufficiently severe to be considered a cause of their suicidal behaviour.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Evaluating Retail Markets in Several Small Cities :: Retail Market Analysis

Due to the resent desire of expanding into one of the following three cities; Ann Arbor, MI, Lincoln, NE and Madison, WI that have been chosen for possible location sites. I Regina Molel, Junior Executive of Swifts’ researched and analyzed the best possible location to start up another Swifts’ boutique, due to the request of Swifts’ CEO, Taylor Swift. At Swifts’ Boutique there will be merchandise that will appeal to those around the ages of 15-24 years old. The ideal area for the new expansion would have a larger population of teenage girls as well as younger women that are within our age range. Our company will be looking for Economic Indicators such as Household Income Growth and Projected Future Job Growth. Site Selection is a key category for the reason that depending on the location selected could make or break a company, for this reason we will be looking at Mall Locations, retail Sales, Local Transportation, and Entertainment and Restaurants. Then finally there is the competition; Swifts’ will be looking into how many stores are there that have the same customer base and would be competing with our brand directly. Madison, WI and Lincoln, Ne both did very well in the category of Population. Madison has a Metro Population of 568,593, Lincoln has a Metro Population of 302,157, and Ann Arbor, MI with 344,791. As for Female Population, Lincoln was on top with a total Female Population of 129,462, then Madison with 118,377, and finally Ann Arbor with 57,779. Ann Arbor may seem like it is being beat in most of the categories but when it comes to our target market Ann Arbor is at the top with 31.8% of their population landing in the range of 15-24 years of age, next with Madison at a 22.1% and lastly, Lincoln with 19%. Looking in to the Economic Indicators is at the highest in Lincoln at .8% Household Income and 44.48% for Future Job Growth, then in Ann Arbor with .4% Household Income, 31.30% Future Job Growth and finally ending in Madison with 0% Household Income, and 36.78% for Future Job Growth. Within the three towns there are possible malls that Swifts’ could expand in that would be sui table. The Retail Sales falls into this category, Madison dominating the Women’s and Girls’ clothing with $382,503 in sales, next would be Lincoln with $218,360, and lastly Ann Arbor with $155,768.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Outsiders: Gang Members

The need to belong is a fundamental need within all of humanity, and has played a key role in society since the beginning of time. The novel by S. E Hinton, ‘The Outsiders’ conveys this need and the yearning to feel social acceptance within us all. ‘The Outsiders’ comments on this inherent part of humanity through its realistic portrayal of teenage gang life, centering on the dependency of the gang members to feel a sense of inclusion and support from their gang. Insert The Outsiders plot line ‘The Outsiders’ conveys that the need to belong is apparent within everyone through the universality of the needs and views of the gang members.This conveys that finding a place to belong, as the characters do within their own gangs, is a basic aspect of man. These concepts are explored through the archetypal structure of the gangs represented within ‘The Outsiders’ that the audience is able to relate to, with the gangs clear hierarchy and the ir fierce loyalty and dependency present between the gang members. The novel depicts Ponyboy’s awakening to the true similarities between the rival gangs, and that although they brand themselves as polar opposites, both gangs at the heart are the same.It is slowly revealed that both gangs exist in order to give the teenagers a place to deal with society’s expectations and to feel a sense of inclusion, needs that the whole of society can relate to. The rivalry between the gang also signifies the universality of the gangs, as it is common throughout society for groups to bond themselves through a sense of ‘us versus them’, fulfilling the need within humanity for inclusion and camaraderie. There is also a strong tribal element within the gangs, as both gangs are male centered, territorial and resort to violence.This conveys the inherent need within humanity to belong, as tribes have formed since the beginning of time as an answer to this need. The tribal natu re of the gangs also conveys the gang member’s reliance on the gang and the support it offers them, as throughout history rejection from the tribe leads to death. The gangs instinctually resorting to violence also comments on the tribal nature of the gang, as they conform to primitive behavior of uniting against others. Hinton’s employment of point of view conveys to the audience Ponyboy’s personal opinions and discoveries about the true nature of the gangs.Through Ponyboy realizing the similarities between the gangs and questioning the violent nature of the gangs, the audience gains a greater understanding of the universality of belonging within a group and the inherent need to feel accepted within all of humanity. Although there is a universal element present in the gang life, there are also significant differences between the two rival gangs. These differences capture the importance of belonging as it focuses on the greaser’s loyalty, love and dependen cy within the gang that the SOCS don’t have.The Greasers’ need to belong, unlike the SOCS, stems from their alienation and exclusion from mainstream society. As the title conveys, they are ‘outsiders’, so the unity within the gang is much stronger as they have nowhere else to go. The sense of security created by the gang strengthens the relationships and loyalty between the gang members, making them more like a family then a group of friends. This is presented throughout the book, as the different greasers convey their allegiance to the gang and their willingness to put themselves on the line in order to protect a fellow gang member. When you’re a gang, you stick up for the members. If you don’t stick up for them, stick together, it isn’t a gang anymore. ’ Hilton’s employment of vernacular language and symbolism conveys the greaser’s loyalty to their gang as they mark themselves apart from the rest of society throu gh their appearance and slang. The greasers take a special pride in their long hair, a uniform for the gang of outcasts. The Outsiders conveys that more than anything, humanity feels a need to belong, through the range of characters and their different needs and connection to their gang.Hilton’s employment of characterization captures the drive behind man to belong, and what it can compel someone to do. Dally and Johnny are key examples of this, as their dependency on the gang is due to them not having a supportive family or another place to turn to. This is contrasted with the character of Darry, a more peripheral member of the gang who, due to his stable job and his history of athletic achievements, doesn't depend on the gang for self fulfillment and a life purpose. The Outsiders leads the audience to question the significance of belonging through the allegiance of the gang contrasted with biological bonds of family.Throughout the entire novel, Ponyboy struggles to find his place within the gang and within his family unit, as he fights with his brothers and feels alienated and unwanted. As Ponyboy tries to find his place within life, he turns away from his brothers and towards the support of the ‘greaser family’. Ponyboy’s journey is compared with Johnny, who is pushed away by his parents and looks to the greaser gang for family support and comfort. As Ponyboy gains an insight into Johnny’s life he in turn learns to appreciate his brothers and the sense of belonging they offer. It ain’t the same thing as having your own folks care about you† Johnny said simply. The need to belong is also explored in the Outsiders through the breaking up of the gang following the dramatic events that occur. Throughout the novel, the gang slowly collapses into a state of chaos, revealing to the audience the gang member’s dependency on the gang for their self identity and a reason for living. The gang is conveyed to have a s et structure at the beginning of the novel, each member having their own role within the gang.While the three brothers are the foundation of the gang, as they offer safety and hospitality to the other gang members, it is Johnny who is the heart of the gang, as the gang is tied together through their need to protect and love Johnny. As the bonds between the brothers begin to crumble, the fractures of the gang become apparent. It is the death of Johnny that leads to the gang collapsing and Dally’s suicide.This is conveyed through emotive language at the effect Johnny’s death plays on each character, â€Å"Soda looked like he was going to cry, Two-Bit’s eyes were closed and his teeth were clenched†¦ My heart was pounding in slow thumps. Dally’s suicide depicts his need of the gang, as he loses his will to live following Johnny’s death and the disbanding of the gang. Ponyboy enters a state of discord following the death of his friends that eventu ally allows him to move onto a state of reflection and growth as he realizes the significance of his belonging within his family and the importance of caring for the needs of his family and the gang in order to build a sense of solidarity and belonging. Insert Conclusion

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How to Make Dumpling

For Chinese, dumpling is our traditional food. In Ancient, dumpling represents money. So they eat it for good luck. Until now, we also eat it when we celebrate some traditional festivals. Because we think it will bring some good luck for us. In lots of Chinese’s mind, dumping is delicious. But if we want to make it, the process is complicated. Now I will explain you how to make dumpling. Because the dough should ferment, we must make dumpling wrapper first. At this step we should have flour, water, a container, a wet cloth, a knife, a rolling pole and a pastry board.After prepare those materials, we can beginning to make the dough. We put flour into a container, then pour water into the container, and be careful about the proportion between flour and water. It is important to make the good dough. After that, stir it strenuously to make it sticky, put a wet cloth on the dough and wait 20 minutes to let it ferment. 20 minutes later, we can roll dough into a round piece. We shoul d cut part of the dough and put it on pastry board, knead a part of it to a strip and cut it into small pieces.Then press each piece and roll it with a rolling pole into a round piece. Now we will do the stuffing. It is the core of making dumpling. If we do not have good stuffing, it means we fail in the whole steps. Today we choose pork and scallion stuffing to an example. At the start of making stuffing, we should chop pork up and mix it with chopped scallions. Meanwhile we also put in seasonings like salt, sesame oil, pepper, chopped green onion and ginger to get our favorite flavor.And then stir the ingredients in a container well to make them evenly mixed. We can also put an egg to make the stuffing tender. When we finish those two steps, we will do the last step which is make dumpling. There are many shapes of dumpling like waveform, crescent, wallet form and lock from. Waveform is easiest to make. So lots of us like to make dumpling like it. Now I will tell you how to make th is shape. Put right amount stuffing in the middle of dumpling wrapper. And double over the dumpling wrapper to become the semicircle.Then knead it from left and let the forefinger around thumb to push it have pleat. Repeat this motion until it to right. After that, a dumpling it completely finished. Those are all steps of make dumpling. Please notice those steps and do not forget the core of making dumpling. Stuffing is the head of dumpling. And memory that delicious dumpling comes from carefully person. Do not careless in it. In our mind, dumpling is so complicated. But if we do it with our family, it will become an unforgettable thing for us.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Rhetoric Essays

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Rhetoric Essays Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Rhetoric Essay Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Rhetoric Essay Essay Topic: Jonathan Edwards Sermons Jonathan Edwards was a Puritan preacher present during the time of the Great Awakening, a time period in colonial America when religion gained a massive resurgence. He (as well as George Whitefield) was a key figure in the time, due primarily to his awe-inspiring sermons depicting the horrors of hell.One of his sermons, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, held many similarities to his others: it depicts the scorching fire, and the suffering, and the wickedness, and the reality of a hell that all unconverted people will go to if they do not completely accept God as their true savior and lord. In order for Edwards to have grasped his audience with fear, he showered upon the audience vivid imagery, threatening diction, and analogies to get his point across: there is a hell, and God’s hand is ready to flick you into its fiery pit, unless God is accepted and you go through conversion.Edwards delivers such a passionate sermon so that he can help revive the religious fervor he beli eves should be spread. To introduce his sermon, Edwards was very quick to make real the concept of a hell. He utilized horrifying imagery with words such as â€Å"hell is gaping for them, the flames gather and flash about them,† that vividly portrayed what Edwards identified as hell. The vivid portrayal was used to form a concrete image of hell, a definite, tangible, fiery hell.The congregation at the time likely had their ears and minds penetrated by the macabre Edwards had produced – which is exactly what he wanted to happen. However, he wasn’t doing this all for shock factor. He wanted to do more than create some cheap thrills for his audience. He genuinely wanted the congregation to â€Å"wake up† and face the reality that Jesus must be accepted as savior, and conversion was a must-do. The title of the sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, makes clear that sinners are being held in the Lord’s hand.Clearly stating this in his sermon, Edw ards said, â€Å"if God should withdraw His hand, [your bodily constitution, your care of your own life, and the means your use for your own preservation] would avail no more to keep you from falling. † With that said, he was implying that it is God’s hand that provides a barrier between your soul and the fires of hell. Similarly to the vivid imagery used previously, Edwards also compared God’s hand with great waters, the likes of which are, â€Å"constantly rising. † In the odd case that one would not understand that God is the sole purpose many people are not urrently burning in hell, Edwards continued his analogies, stating, â€Å"the bow of God’s wrath is bent, and the arrow made ready on the string. † Essentially, the great waters and bow comparisons mean the same thing. They both mean that at any time, similar to a flood or the shot of an arrow, God’s hand can release the firm grasp it has on the damned human souls resting upon it, sending them straight to hell. The parallel was used to show the simplicity of the situation; no ifs ands or buts. As the sermon closed, Edwards did not forget to leave the congregation with some final morbid images.He produced a degrading image of an angry God holding a sinner over the pit of hell, as one would a spider, furthering the thought that God is the only reason one is not currently burning in hell. Additionally, Edwards said that, â€Å"you (the sinner) are ten thousand times more abominable in His eyes than the most hateful venomous serpent is in ours. † Once again, one can see Edwards’ continued use of bringing in abstract concepts, such as hell and God’s perspective, and putting them into tangible ideas. This technique served to produce an even more realistic image of what being unconverted and unfaithful to God carries.All in all, it is evident why so many colonial Americans followed the religious bandwagon of the first Great Awakening. With s ermons similar to Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, one can be easily swayed to have an alteration of perspectives on religion. With vivid imagery so vivid allowing words to be tangible, cringe worthy diction, and analogies bringing forth abstract concepts to put into real ones, Edwards had gotten his point across: hell is real, and only those who accept God will be the fortunate ones to miss witnessing the hell’s horrors.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How the Nazi Government Provided Job for Unemployed Germans

How the Nazi Government Provided Job for Unemployed Germans Free Online Research Papers After the Great Depression, 6 million Germans were left unemployed. However, by 1939, the figure was reduced to 119,000 people. Why does this happen? In 1932, Hitler decided to build 7000km of motorway (autobahns.) His reasoning for this was to provide a better route for vehicles when the war starts up again. By September 1933, the first motorway was built, which provided 600,000 jobs. Supplies were needed, such as: steel, concrete etc. So, the state paid for the private companies to provide what they needed. The companies hired new workers to exceed the demand. This got people out of unemployment. In 1933, a 600RM marriage loan was supplied to all unemployed women. This was to persuade them to give up their jobs for men. But, it worked; 700,000 women took up the offer of the 600RM, which was given in a form of vouchers and could only be used to buying household items. These women could buy items such as prams, for their babies. The company which makes prams would then need to hire more workers to help exceed the demand. In addition, the Nazis cut taxes, which meant the working class had more money. Therefore, they can spend more money on items, which meant that shop owners wouldve needed to employ more workers. However, childless couples had to pay higher taxes. Adding to the Nazis aim of persuading women to give up their jobs, they literally banned women from being judges or lawyers in 1936. The civil service was also told to employ men over women. Finally, Hitler introduced The Law for the Reduction of Unemployment, which meant women and Jews were forced out of their jobs. Furthermore, the Nazis stopped unemployment benefits, which forced people to work. Also, in 1935, Hitler introduced conscription which meant that all 18-25 year old men were required to work in the army for 2 years. This meant that other men outside this age range could take their jobs, which decreased the amount of job-less citizens. In 1934, a youth group called RAD provided 400,000 jobs and the armed forces grew from 100,000 in 1933 to 1,400,000 in 1939. This meant that there was less unemployment. One of the Nazi aims was to rearm Germany (almost 20 billion RM was invested in rearmament.) In 1935, the Nazis provided more jobs to make weapons in preparation for the war. What were the economic effects of Nazi policies towards Jews and towards women? In Germany 1933, there were 100,000 women teachers, 3000 women doctors and one tenth of the Reichstag members were women. For the Nazis, this was yet another sign of how degenerate and corrupt Weimar Germany was. What the Nazis wanted from women was a more traditional role, they wanted mothers. The policy for women in 1933, was the 3 Ks. (Kirche, Kuche and Kinder) This translated to Church, cooking and children. The Nazis wanted women to stay at home and look after the home and their children. To achieve this aim, they needed women out of employment. In 1933, the Law for the Reduction of Unemployment prevented any woman from becoming civil servants, doctors or lawyers. Also, in October in the same year, official guidelines were introduced for all companies to employ men over women. The economic effect of this was that women were out of their jobs. Therefore, men could replace them. Furthermore, marriage loans were provided to women who gave up their jobs. These women were given 600RM in a form of vouchers, which they could only spend on furniture. Therefore, this boosts the income of industries, which exceeds the demand of customers, so they need to employ more workers. This is also part of another Nazi aim to make Germany self-sufficient. (Autarky) The Nazis provided money for couples to have children. In 1935, large families were given grants of up to 100RM per child. Birth control centres were closed down and less contraception became available. Therefore, more women became pregnant. In another attempt to keep women at home, the Nazis decided to cut peoples debts by a quarter, every time they produced a child. However, it seemed to work, 42% of women gave up their jobs, which meant there were more jobs available to men. In 1936, the economy was suffering from a labour shortage. At the moment, the policy was that a womans place was in the home, which the Nazis wanted to change. The idea of female conscription was suggested to Hitler, but he refused. However, in 1939, a compulsory agricultural labour service was introduced for unmarried women under the age of 25. Also, in 1942, women between 17.45 were told to register for work. Therefore, the policy was change due to the economic need. In 1933, Jews were considered as successful: 10% of them were doctors, 16% were lawyers, but far more owned businesses. Even though Hitler resented them, he wasnt the centre of the attacks against them. Local people began to vandalize Jewish shops. However, Hitler sympathizes with them, so he wanted to plan a boycott against the Jews. But, as advised by President Schacht, (Head of the Reichsbank) he decided that it shouldnt go ahead. This was because Jews contribute too much to the economy, so Germany would lose money for rearmament. Instead, Schacht suggested a gradual policy of attacking Jews, whereby there would be a one-day boycott. So, on 1st April 1933, due to the excess of antisemitic propaganda, there was a nationwide boycott. This will keep the people happy. Due to the drastic effect on the economy, the Nazis couldnt just close down all the businesses. However, they close down some and prevent any new ones from opening up. This would only effect full-Jews at the moment. Ther efore, the Nazis create a gradual policy to shut down Jewish businesses. From 1933, the Nazis wanted to stop Jews from becoming German citizens. However, Jews generate plenty of money for Germany. Therefore, Germany needs the Jews to keep the economy successful. By the end of 1935, the economy is going well. So, Hitler lended the Jewish Hertie Department stores money to maintain the success of the economy. In 1937, the economy is going well because of Schachts ideas. Therefore, the Jews are no longer needed. The Nazis decide to get rid of Schacht, as they could now afford to. He was replaced by Goering, who wanted to Aryanize businesses, which contributed to the Nazi aim of making Germany self-sufficient and being run by pure Germans (the Aryan race.) This meant that the Jewish firms were voluntarily sold to Germans. In 1938, their policy was to squeeze Jews out of the German economic life. This was proceeded by the Jews not being given any raw materials, so they couldnt produce anything. Therefore, they had no choice but to hand over their businesses. On 18th October 1936, a decree was issued, registrating all Jewish property to enable The Nazis to take over. In one year, 32,000 businesses were taken over. In 1938, an incident titled, Crystal Night was another example of how the Jews were gradually pushed out of German economic life. It involved Germans destroying all Jewish shops and burning down the synagogues, where the police and fire services were told not to interfere. This created huge damage, which the Jews had to pay up for because the Nazis had fined them 1 billion RM out of their insurance. The money raised went towards rearmament. Research Papers on How the Nazi Government Provided Job for Unemployed GermansAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Twilight of the UAW19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThe Fifth HorsemanWhere Wild and West MeetInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Meaning and Origin of Surname Jenkins

Meaning and Origin of Surname Jenkins Jenkins is a double diminutive of John, literally meaning little John. It derives from the medieval given name Jenkin, which itself is a diminutive of the given name John, meaning God has graced me with a son. The Jenkins surname most commonly originated in Cornwall, England, but became quickly popular in Wales. Jenkins is the 95th most popular surname in the United States and the 97th most common surname in England. Origin English, Welsh Alternate Surname Spellings JENKIN, JENKYN, JENKING, JENCKEN, JINKIN, JUNKIN, JENKYNS, JENCKENS, JINKINS, JINKINS, JUNKINS, JENKENS, JENNISKENS, SIENCYN (Welsh), SHINKWINN (Irish) Famous People with the Surname Jenkins Albert Gallatin Jenkins, American politician and Confederate soldierElla Jenkins, American folk singer Source: Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005. Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The US Dollar will lose its status as the world's reserve currency Term Paper

The US Dollar will lose its status as the world's reserve currency within the foreseeable future - Term Paper Example 8 Gilpin, R. & Gilpin, J. M. International economics: in the age of globalization. USA: Orient Blackswan, 2001. 8 Mankiw, N. G. Principles of Economics. USA: Cengage Learning, 2008. 8 Introduction US Dollar had historically been one of the sturdiest of all currencies around the world. Post World War II, when almost all nations around the world were suffering from dwindling resource endowments, they jointly decided to frame a monetary policy which would tie their respective national currencies with the US Dollar. Such a policy was set in order to strengthen the feeble currencies through tying the rates at which they could be exchanged. However with the passage of time, the stability feature assigned with the US dollars is reckoned to fade away especially after the inception of the Euro zone during late 1990s and after the economy was victimised by the subprime crisis. At present there are many claimants of the fact that the US dollar is about to lose its value as a stable reserve curr ency. Purpose of the present paper will be to enlist the arguments posed in favour of the aforementioned assertion. US Dollar is losing its status as the world’s reserve currency Euro had been getting closer to the US Dollars in terms of bank note circulation. Since its inception during the latter years of 1990s, the currency is found to be soaring high in terms of popularity especially among the Asian nations where almost two-thirds of total Euro bank notes in circulation are concentrated. The table alongside displays ample information to establish Euro is fast surpassing Dollars in terms of its circulation. To emphasise, stock of Euro has increased by 7 percent between 1999 and 2003 while that of Dollars has receded by 6.7 percent between 2001 and 2006. The diagram alongside shows the extents to which different foreign reserves are found to be growing over the years. Growth in Euro is witnessed as reaching a peak during 2002 and exceeding the corresponding rate for US Dolla rs (Becker 3). â€Å"With the creation of the euro in 1999, and the growth of the US external debt and current account deficits since then, the economic appeal of the dollar as an international currency has become less distinctive† (Helleiner, 367). In fact, during the post Euro era, the position of US dollar has been fast depreciating owing to the fall in its store of value and liquidity. A downfall in the degree of liquidity of the currency accounts for the huge sums of US Dollar reserves that East Asian nations reserve had been maintaining in their reserves; this specifically is the reason behind a fall in the US Dollar circulation (Helleiner, 368). Prior to the introduction of Euro, US Dollars assumed the topmost position in the international arena. This was primarily due to the existence of distinct currencies throughout Europe that transaction via US Dollars was associated with a certain degree of economies of scale. However, after Euro was introduced to the world, a ch unk of the world’s important foreign market came to be expressed in terms of Euro and thus, US Dollars lost the economies of scale they used to enjoy previously. An important reason why US Dollars has been diminishing in value in comparison to Euro is that, the latter now represents a chunk of the European continent. This chunk now symbolizes a large unit of the entire global market which is found to be beating that of USA even. Hence, in most of the cases, commodities and services which are available in both markets are denominated in terms

Are There Counterexamples to the Closure Principle by Jonathan Vogel Article

Are There Counterexamples to the Closure Principle by Jonathan Vogel - Article Example To help make his point, the author provides a clear example in the form of a Dretske case regarding a zebra in a zoo. Through this example, the author is then able to explain the Dretske argument relatively clearly, illustrating what is meant by the Closure principle and how this principle ends up facing a counterexample. From here, he then proves how the counterexample fails in this particular case. This presentation of his argument makes it much easier to understand than some of the other articles on this subject. By presenting a relatively concrete case full of strong imagery, the author makes it possible for the layman reader to follow his thoughts and then gain a relatively clear understanding of what he’s saying. Then he expands his case to apply to a broader example, using examples of car theft and the lottery to explain what he calls the lottery proposition, in which possibilities have to exist somewhere in order for that to be considered a counterexample. In analyzing these examples, the author illustrates how the principles discovered do not undercut skepticism even though they prove that counterexamples to the closure principle do not exist. The detailed style of the article and the straight-forward ‘concrete’ form of his examples, rather than the abbreviated ps and qs of other articles, makes it possible to follow his thought to its final

Friday, October 18, 2019

Australian painting, colony to nation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Australian painting, colony to nation - Essay Example The essay "Australian painting, colony to nation" discovers the Australian landscape paintings. Landscape art is an art form that depicts the natural beauty of the scenery. This art involves the capturing of features like mountains, rivers, valleys, forests among many others. On the other hand, contemporary arts are works of art from during the post World War II period to date. The Australian Aboriginal art describes the artistic aspects of the indigenous people of Australia whose way of life was nomadic uncivilized. In short, all these forms of art complement one another in describing what Australian historic art entails. They bring out the evolution of art in this isolated island nation that is rich and wealthy. Therefore, this essay will seek to bring out the history of landscape art in Australia in a sense that it was not a progressive discovery. It will blend ideas on the establishment of changing concepts in building pictures that are more appropriate. It will also the cultural construction that tend to out play one another in the complexity of invention web. Since the pre-colonial period, art has been a way of preserving a community’s heritage and pride. The techniques varied between different communities in the world. The artists in these societies used the locally available materials to try to express their concepts. Over the years, civilization led to the improvement in the doing of arts. For instance, during the Paleolithic age the people used to do their paintings or works of art. in walls of caves that existed in their vicinity. These magnificent art works exist to date in museums and cultural heritage sites. Most of them are thousand and thousand years old, but they still portray the way of living for people in that era (Sayers, 2001:19). These paintings have helped archaeologists in writing the history of their nations as they give documented evidence. In essence, the history of art in Australia is no different from the histories of other countries as the stages it took in evolution are relatively the same to the others. Ideally, the art market in the traditional times strongly believed in oil paintings in representing landscapes of Australia. However, contemporary art over took the oil paintings within the domestic market paving way for international accreditation for artistes from Australia (Coombes, 2006:23). With the focus on landscape painting, the Australian landscape is one guided by notions of beauty, style, and decor. The landscape paintings by artists from Australia depicted their artistic tastes and preferences. In essence, paintings do not speak, but they tend to communicate. The expressions within a painting need to have a proper arrangement to depict its social relations to power. The communicative aspect and the social aspect need not separated as they will detract the meaning hidden in the painting (Short, 2005:197). Ideally, landscape painting is a highly selective process meaning that only the eleme nts that are of essence get to select to be part of the painting. However, emphasize is also on some key aspects that trend to portray the meaning of the scenery in question. Essentially, these paintings provide a relation between them and the original landscape where drawn. Remarkably, some foreign painters also managed to paint out the landscapes in Australia despite the fact

Artist Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Artist Statement - Essay Example Some of the information include the creature habitats and habits. Further, nocturnal photos can be used in studying the rare animals that only come out at night because during the day they hide in their caves. These animals are known as nocturne creatures. Additionally, nocturnal photos on animals can be stored in archives for future reference thus act as a source of information to researches and zoology students in educational centres. In addition, this practice of taking photos is essential in establishing the near extinction animals. Thus helps to trigger the need to protect them from extinction by establishing measures that will mitigate the rate of extinction. However, nocturnal photos promotes art because it gives artisans ideas on what to draw and even curve thus enhancing creativity. Additionally, from the curves and the drawing future generations can learn about the creatures. Moreover, this photos in a way help to market countries to tourists who are in love with animals and wish to explore more. Through this, a country will receive an increase in the number of tourists visiting their nation, hence uplifting it gross domestic product. Furthermore, the characteristics that accompany the nocturnal photos can be of great use to game wardens by educating them on how to handle those animals effectively to avoid damage or injuries since some of them are poisonous. Secondly, nocturnal photos about human beings are taken in special occasions conducted during the night. Events like film shooting, fire bourn parties and many more. Therefore, these photos can be stored and referred to in future to remember the Good times in a person’s life. Thirdly, nocturnal photos about unique structural features are used to highlight the features of a nation. By doing this it will attract tourism to their states. This structural nocturnal photos can also be places in school libraries to teach the students

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 12

Abortion - Essay Example l term, and on the other extreme side of the debate some philosophers argue that foetuses are human beings and for that reason they have the right to life, hence pregnant is a violation of the foetuses right to life. This paper critically analysis the main arguments for and against abortion with the aim of reconciling the two extreme positions on abortion. Let us begin by critically analysing one arguments offered by the pro-lifers or by those who are opposed to abortion. The main argument advanced by the pro-lifers is that it is immoral to abort because foetuses are human beings. According to the pro-lifers, human life starts at conception and for that reason foetuses should be viewed as human beings, though they have not yet fully developed their vital organs. The proponents of pro-life go on to argue that viewing unborn babies as not being human persons is arbitrary and discriminative (Suzzane, 2003). This is because, for the pro-lifers, it is erroneous and arbitrary to base the definition of human person on the stage of human development that one is at. For this reason, therefore, the pro-lifers contend that unborn babies are human beings, and to abort them, therefore, is morally unjustifiable because it is tantamount to killing innocent human beings. In opposition to this view, the pro-choicers or those who advocate for the right of women to decide on whether or not to abort contend that human life does not begin at conception, but after birth. The advocates of this view argue that foetuses are not human beings since they are not able to survive independent of their mothers; the proponents of this view go on to argue that foetuses and embryos do not have fully developed human faculties, and for that reason they rely entirely on their mothers for survival (Justin, 2012). For this reason, therefore, the proponents of pro-choice argue that women have an inalienable right to decide whether to abort on not. For the pro-choicers, therefore, abortion is not murder

Tracing the Emergence of the Symphony from Sammartini and Stamitz Essay

Tracing the Emergence of the Symphony from Sammartini and Stamitz through the Works of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven - Essay Example A symphony is a method of music that scales large and in its performance at orchestra. Symphony is comparable to concept of the novel in literature. Symphony emerged from the baroque period as sinfonia. In the baroque period, sinfonia referred to brief instrumental pieces that preceded larger works. In certain contexts, it would achieve full identity as an independent piece. A prominent example concerns concert grosso. However, trio sonata, concerto and sinfonia were treated as synonyms. The Italian sinfonia had the structure of fast-slow-fast while the French overture had the structure of slow-fast-slow. These overtures entailed small orchestra, short duration and easy compositions. In the eighteenth century, symphony emerged as a form that entailed performance by several instruments and independent identity. This was dominant, especially, in Italy whereby there were artists such as Giovanni Sammartini. Other early composers of the same include artists such as Johann Stamitz and Bac h. Symphony grew in prominence since the baroque period initiated a revolution whereby the popularity of secular music surged beyond gospel music. The concept of the Orchestra, as a musical form, expanded to constitute an average of twenty players. The pieces involved use of different musical families such as woodwinds, keyboard instruments and strings. Orchestral performance became a public rather than the royalties’ affair. The second half of the eighteenth century had Joseph Haydn compose 104 symphonies. They entailed experiments with forms such as six pieces. Mozart had 41 symphonies. It is vital to note that he had his first composition at eight years of age. Haydn provided the transition from the pre-classical age into mature classic symphony. His first fourteen compositions had the elements of the pre-classical period. Mozart and Haydn achieved a significant celebration as the classical symphony’s composers (Wright 162). Haydn and Mozart initiated the definition of current symphony. In the age of reason, classical symphony possessed a balance, intricate design and distinct symmetry. Examples of the same include rondo, minuet, sonata form and trio (Wright 165). The structure of the same was typical of four movements. They occurred in the pattern of fast, slow, moderately fast, and quite fast. The performance did not require the role of a conductor. The choirmaster, who would be the first violinist, performed the role of guiding the performance. The performances of Haydn and Mozart were usually short pieces that would take an average of thirty minutes. Ludwig van Beethoven played an essential role of expanding the concept of symphony (Wright 209). This expansion occurred in terms of density of sound, tempo, rhythm and dynamics. In addition, he initiated the use of additional instruments such as the piccolo, trombone and the contrabassoon (Wright 210). Describe the individual musical styles of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. Support your charac terizations with musical examples. It is essential to note that Haydn and Mozart belonged to a slightly earlier age of music growth. Beethoven later sprung as a fundamental artist of the eighteenth century. However, they all belong to the classical period of music growth. To begin with, the article explores the works of Joseph Haydn. Haydn, just as Mozart, sprung from the baroque age of music. He is part of the group that established a

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 12

Abortion - Essay Example l term, and on the other extreme side of the debate some philosophers argue that foetuses are human beings and for that reason they have the right to life, hence pregnant is a violation of the foetuses right to life. This paper critically analysis the main arguments for and against abortion with the aim of reconciling the two extreme positions on abortion. Let us begin by critically analysing one arguments offered by the pro-lifers or by those who are opposed to abortion. The main argument advanced by the pro-lifers is that it is immoral to abort because foetuses are human beings. According to the pro-lifers, human life starts at conception and for that reason foetuses should be viewed as human beings, though they have not yet fully developed their vital organs. The proponents of pro-life go on to argue that viewing unborn babies as not being human persons is arbitrary and discriminative (Suzzane, 2003). This is because, for the pro-lifers, it is erroneous and arbitrary to base the definition of human person on the stage of human development that one is at. For this reason, therefore, the pro-lifers contend that unborn babies are human beings, and to abort them, therefore, is morally unjustifiable because it is tantamount to killing innocent human beings. In opposition to this view, the pro-choicers or those who advocate for the right of women to decide on whether or not to abort contend that human life does not begin at conception, but after birth. The advocates of this view argue that foetuses are not human beings since they are not able to survive independent of their mothers; the proponents of this view go on to argue that foetuses and embryos do not have fully developed human faculties, and for that reason they rely entirely on their mothers for survival (Justin, 2012). For this reason, therefore, the proponents of pro-choice argue that women have an inalienable right to decide whether to abort on not. For the pro-choicers, therefore, abortion is not murder

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Singal processing and linear systems + Matlab Essay

Singal processing and linear systems + Matlab - Essay Example The square wave response of a dynamic system measures how the dynamic system responds when a square wave is applied to its input. Generally a unit step function is applied defined by the following equation: Laplace transform and Fourier transform both are use for analysis of aperiodic signals. Laplace yields the result in s-domain where as Fourier transform yields it in frequency domain. Laplace is more often used because in s-domian it is easier to analyze the performance of the system by looking at the poles and the zeros. The Laplace transform is usually used in the context of one-sided signals, i.e. signals that are zero for all values of  t  less than some value. Usually, this "start time" is set to zero, for convenience and without loss of generality, with the transform integral being taken from zero to infinity. The Fourier transform is used for analyzing systems that process signals that are infinite in extent, such as modulated sinusoids. (LTI) The signal is compared both in frequency and time domain, before and after filtering. As seen in the graphs the amplitude of the signal after filtering is 1. The amplitude thus decreases from 2 to 1, showing 3dB attenuation. In frequency domain the higher frequency coefficients are zero. They cover almost half the total bandwidth. Thus the half band filter has made half of the coefficients zero with 3dB

Monday, October 14, 2019

Health Care Careers Diagram and Summary Essay Example for Free

Health Care Careers Diagram and Summary Essay What is a Physical Therapist do? Each of us has an important role in health care field whether a Pharmacist, Technician, Lab Scientist, Therapist, Nurses, Doctors, and other health care professionals. They have one purpose to provide the best quality of care to the patients with compassionate and respect. They are guided by the rules and guidelines set up by the state and federal government to maintain proper standards and update the techniques concerning healthcare delivery. Career Description. Physical therapists sometimes referred to as PTs, help people who have injuries or illnesses improve their movement and manage their pain (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012). PT plays an important role in rehabilitation and gives treatment to the patients with chronic conditions or injuries. They diagnose the patients’ dysfunctional movements by watching them walk, stand, balance, coordination, strength, range of motion and many more. Physical therapists work as part of a healthcare team, overseeing the work of physical therapist assistants and aides and consulting with physicians and surgeons and other specialists (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012). They work in wellness-programs to encourage everyone for more active lifestyles. They also establish appropriate plan of care, depending on the patients condition whether it is a neurological case, orthopedic case, sports injury, pediatrics, geriatrics, sports, and others. Services Provided. Physical therapist services are wide range from acute care hospital, sub-acute care, skilled nursing facility, home health, and outpatient care. Their work varies with the type of patients they serve. Orthopedic/Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation is one of the services they provided, whereas they focus on all types of musculoskeletal conditions of the entire spine and extremities. Another one is Vestibular Rehabilitation, which is more on balance, dizziness, motion sensitivity, and vertigo rehab. Workforce roles within the services and products. The rehabilitation team is composed of a physical therapist, physical therapist assistant and rehabilitation aide. Usually physical therapist is the head of the team with at least a bachelors, doctorate, or masters’ degree in physical therapy. They do the initial evaluations and assessment of the patient upon admission. They also establish the care plan (long-term goals and short-term, as well as set up the treatment guidelines and parameters. The PTA’s job is to carry out the treatment following the plan care set by the therapist, unless the treatment requires a specialization by a PT for example, manual mobilization, myofascial release techniques, and many more. The rehab aide’s job is to help maintain the rehab facility or gym. They could also assist in treatments with direct supervision by PT. They could also help by doing aftercare after the PT or PTA works with the patient, or do desk jobs like scheduling patients, whereas no degree or license is required to work as a rehab aide. Impact of Physical therapist on the health care organizations. The therapist importance and influence on the health care system is very crucial, by doing therapy they help and guide the patients to return on their prior level of function and achieve their max potential. They also help prevent re-injury because of poor management of the healing process, by setting up the right exercises, depending on the patients level, stage of healing, and comorbidities that comes with the patient. Therapist also help by giving an alternative form of disease healing and pain management, for example a patient who has arthritic pain on B knees that has been dependent on strong pain medicine. Therapy can use physical agents and modalities, like heat, cold, ultrasound, and right amount of exercises to engage week muscles and promote improved mobility. Conclusion Health care providers have different roles in health care industry. Each of them has a special purpose on how to give a better treatment, care, and diagnosis to the patients. Through proper education and training, they will be able to provide what the patients needs. Health care professionals have one goal, which is to make the patient better and help them live a quality and healthy life. Appendix A: Figure 1 Diagram of Physical Therapist roles and functions in the health care community. Figure 1 describe as the role of MD, PT, PTA, and rehab aide with regard to patient care. First the referring MD makes the prescription for the patient to be admitted to physical therapy. The physical therapist checks the prescription initiate evaluation, assessment, and establish plan of care. The PT could proceed with the treatment himself or pass to the PTA. The PTA’s job is to initiate the treatment program following the goals and treatment parameters set up by the PT. Rehab aide assist the PT or PTA during treatment and helps with scheduling patient visits as well as monitor insurance coverage for the patient. References Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2012, April 6). What Physical Therapists Do. Retrieved from PT1. (2013). Physical Therapy One. Retrieved from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Customer Satisfaction and SWOT Analysis of Thesis Binding

Customer Satisfaction and SWOT Analysis of Thesis Binding ABSTRACT As the project is about Customer Satisfaction and Swot analysis of Thesis Binding, It is a marketing research project, for that I have collected the data by using various techniques like questionnaire and by telephone as well. The questionnaire made in different formats for in-house and out-house separately. Out-house survey is being done in the various university of Kolkata like Calcutta university, Jadavpur and so on. And for in-house survey, we are surveying those customers who have already done their thesis binding from Dhar brother. Various parameters in the questionnaire have been used to measure the satisfaction level of the customer and also to find out what are their needs or what they exactly want from the company and to determine the swot of company. After that analysis of collected data will be done to get out conclusion and recommendation The objective of project is to get idea of what kind of promotion strategies is required by company to increase sales and to attract more customers and apart from that what new services are required company to increase customer satisfaction level and what is the strength, weakness , opportunities and threat for company so company can take action to use opportunities, and to mitigate threats and weakness to get competitive advantage and increase business revenue and profits. INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE COMPANY Dhar Brothers is a family owned business base in Kolkata, West Bengal and it was founded by Late Rash Mohan Dhar in the year 1930. Dhar Brothers started with only book binding in a very juvenile stage and then by the help of supportive community and companies hard work, Dhar brothers is known as a reputed Thesis paper maker in Kolkata . The Dhar Brothers have a huge client base of student or professionals who need binding of their thesis or project work. The companies target customers who are doing research work as well as those students doing their P.H.D. from all the universities of Kolkata and its nearby cities or areas. Over the years, Dhar Brothers have broadened our job profile, which now includesDATA PROCESSING, PRINTING, BINDING, PICK UP DELIVERY. It is possible because of Mr. Kishore Dhar who did Herculean task with heart and soul together. Driven by technology, Dhar brothers is able to serve many outstation and foreign clients as well with whom we get in touch through mail orders. Dhar Brothers have experience of more than 75 years in this trade. Dhar brothers provide customized services to scholars to all the universities according to their specifications. Companys vision is customers delight. And Dhar Brothers hope is Dhar brother achieved it, and with their blessings, Dhar Brothers are now a most recognized thesis company in Kolkata. Dhar brothers is a largest thesis binding company in kolkata and is known for its superior quality, customization and betterservices to its customer or picking up online delivery.Company have skilled labour or other resources to serve the customer better . Kinds of services provide by the company Hard Binding: Hard bound books are very rigid and finished to a high standard with edges covered throughout encasing up to approximately 500 pages. These books are cloth covered in a wide variety of colours and lettering on the spine can also take front board lettering. Soft Binding: Soft bound books are cut flush on the edge and are rigid enough to stand on a bookshelf encasing up to approximately 500 pages. This bookish cloth covered in a wide variety of colours and lettering on the spine. We dont advice front board lettering. Simple Binding: Card back and clear plastic front can be used as a temporary binding, but is strong and attractive enough for permanent use. Up to 300 pages 90 g/m2 . Thesis-CD-pockets: A transparent PVC pocket for holding CDs that you might want to submit with your thesis. These are inserted onto the inside of your thesis rear cover. THESIS CRAFT POCKET: An elegant handmade pocket built into the rear board of your thesis. This is suitable for holding loose sheets, photos, maps, and other documents. It can hold up to 20 A4 sheets of paper. Introduction of project Title of project is Customer Satisfaction and SWOT analysis. In this first to understand the business of company and what kind of services are provided by the company to fulfil the need s and wants of customers regarding their thesis binding, the issues which we have to solve in this project is to understand that, customers are satisfied with the current services provided by the company or not and what kind of services customer are expecting from company. So that company can provide those services to customer, to give them value of money and increase customer satisfaction. To understand all that discussed above, different techniques have been used to collect the data, these techniques are survey of customers by questionnaire, telephonic strategy, personal interviewing. After collecting the data sample size will be taken for the analysis so that we can come to some conclusion regarding the customer satisfaction and some recommendation can be provided to solve the issues. As discussed above sample size will be used for the analysis of data by using various techniques .Considering all the points, SWOT analysis will be done as per the present situation. As DHAR brothers is a only big thesis binding company in the Kolkata region so it is the greatest strength the company has and to find out the new opportunities, and how to tapped these opportunities and find out weakness and threats of company, and find out the ways to solve those. NEED OF THE STUDY The study has been done to know the different type of services provided by Dhar Brothers and what is the customer satisfaction level regarding different type of services of Dhar Brothers and to know the customer response about what kind of improvement they want from company, so Dhar Brothers can take action to fulfil their needs. This study also covers the promotion strategies required by Dhar Brothers where company is lacking. Through this study I came to know the customer satisfaction and SWOT of Dhar Brothers. OBJECTIVE OF the PROJECT The main objective of the project is to understand â€Å"Customer satisfaction and Swot analysis of thesis binding in Kolkata† are as This project would help Dhar Brothers in understanding the customer needs and get feedback on their product and services. Understand the customer satisfaction and Swot analysis for their thesis binding. Understanding what kind of services and customization customer expects from company regarding their thesis binding work. After understanding customer needs, efforts to fulfil their needs. In devising new methods of approaching their customers and in the process making them aware of various products and services on the basis of above needs of customers. To increase the services after understanding the customer requirements to serve them better. To make good relation with customers so that they will recommend other customers to company in future for their thesis binding, that helps in increasing sales of company. TO check present services quality is matching with the customer requirements or not, and what kind of up gradation is required. Different methodology will be used for the data collection and data analysis. Collected data will be analyzed properly to find out what are the requirements of the customer. To understand SWOT of Dhar Brothers. TO understand how to mitigate threats and remove weakness and what is the new opportunities. INFORMATION REQUIRED Various services being offered by Dhar Brothers. To understand the working procedure of company. The kind of responses received from the customers during survey to get information about customer needs and wants and apart from that to measure their satisfaction level. Various tools of promotions are required by company to increase awareness and to build brand image and understanding the level of impact it has on the customers. The form of activity which is effective from the point of view of customer satisfaction and Swot of company. Details regarding the customer satisfaction level regarding various services of Dhar brothers. Information regarding what is the strength, weakness, opportunities and threat of Dhar Brothers. Finally innovative methods of targeting the customers and building a brand image and increasing the customer satisfaction level by providing them value for their money. REASERCH METHODOLOGY Method of data collection:- Primary sources:- It is a marketing research project so to collect the data two type of questioner is used for survey. I. In-house questioner is used to collect the data of existing customers of company at the time of delivery of their thesis. II. Outhouse questioner is used to collect the data from different universities of Kolkata. Secondary sources:- It is the data which has already been collected by someone or an organization for some other purpose or research study .The data for study has Been collected from various sources: Companies website Other Internet sources Past Data of organisation Time: 3 months Statistical Tools Used: Simple tools like bar graphs, tabulation, line diagrams have been used for analysis of data. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY Very small Sample Size as compared to the target customers. Therefore a possibility of making error. Limited amount of times as the survey is time consuming. Geographic limitations. Project is only to understand customer satisfaction and swot analysis for thesis binding not for other type of bookbinding. Collection of data is only from existing customers required services not from customers who have already taken services in past.. MainTEXT Description of project in brief As I explained above in introduction the project is to measure the customer satisfaction level and to find out Swot analysis of thesis binding, So that company can come to know about satisfaction level of customers by its presently available services and came to know about what kind of up gradation is possible to upgrade our services and to serve the customer in better way and to measure that if any step company have taken is it feasible or not. Companies main focus is services oriented because the company is looking for expanding the business and to attract more customers, and to get the idea of new trends of thesis binding what customer expect from the company so that company can fulfil their wish of customers that helps the company to retain its present customers and to attract new customers . Recently Dhar Brothers start new services like online delivery services to the customers , that works as more beneficial for both the companies and customers point of view , most of the time what happened if customer have not time to come at company or away from Kolkata like from different state or cities than customer can submit their orders on companies website, where everything is mentioned about services of companies and by filling the demand form according to their requirement and made payment online , from where company take the customers order and provide them service and finished the work of customer within 48 hours after that if you are from Kolkata, you can take delivery from company and if you are from outside the Kolkata and if you cant come , your thesis would be courier on your address. TO understand the SWOT of company to get advantage from competitors and minimize the risks of business, as I discussed after clear understanding of strength, weakness, opportunities and threat, company can take necessary steps to maintain their strength as a tool of success, and take the advantage of new opportunities and work on remove the weakness, who are coming in path of success of company and mitigate the threats. The strategy used to proceed the work, first after clearly understanding the work of company and what to do, I first prepare two questioner, one is for in-house survey to collect the data from customers at the time of their delivery, to get their valuable feedback and to measure their customer satisfaction level and to get the idea what kind of new improvement is required according to them, and what company should do to serve them better in future , so that companies sales will increase in future second is outhouse questioner to collect data by surveying PHD or those people who are doing research work across different universities of Kolkata and then after collecting the data and proper analysis of that data will be done by using different technology to find the conclusions of problems and recommendation and what steps should be taken to improve services and to expand business or to attract new customers. Market growth rate of company Market rate has been found out by using the data of the customers who already have done their thesis work in 2009 and 2010. The data has been shown below Source: this data is based on the no of copies for the thesis binding month wise of Dhar Brothers. The data which have been shown in the given table is the number of copies which has been completed in the year 2009 and 2010. From the collected data which have been shown above shows that there is an increment in the growth rate of 13.6% in the year 2010 compared to 2009. This shows that customer base of Dhar brothers is increasing every year so to meet with the demands of these customer and serve them better company have to increase their present resources, like skilled human resource , Machinery, better infrastructure etc. to meet with this challenge in future. Market Size Market size plays an important role to find out the areas where we can target the customers or it shows which area we should focus for the thesis binding. The market size can help the company to come to know about the untapped areas or the areas from where less business is coming, so can company can make strategy and can take right decision to cover these untapped areas and areas from where less business is coming. Number of customers coming in Dhar Brothers from different universities can be understand by the help of below graph, here In this graph I have not showed customers of all the universities I just try to show where we have to focus more to increase business and sales of company. Source: This data is taken from Dhar Brothers. Horizontal Axis: Months Vertical Axis: Number of copies The data shown in the graph is the number of copies that have been taken on the vertical axis and month has been taken in the horizontal axis. As we can see from the above graph that in all the Four months from January to April, the number of students coming in company from Calcutta university is more than any other university. And from the other university like Rabindra Bharthi is comparatively less than the Calcutta university, So our market Size is Rabindra bharathi and Vidyasagar University as well as B.Ecollege, Jadhvpur university . The message which I want to clear with the help of this above graph is that, here in our company customers from Calcutta university is coming more than all other universities of Kolkata, so these universities are like the areas from where less business is coming except C.U., So company should take steps to increase business from these universities, by doing promotion ,make better relationship with guides of students. Demand of services Which services provided by Dhar Brothers is more in demand is easily understand by below graph- Source: This data is taken from survey of customers and from Dhar Brothers past data. The data collected is of the year 2011 from January to March. From the above graph we can find out which product of the company is in more demand. As we can see in the graph hard binding is in more demand as compared to the other demand, so company should more focus on hard binding service to satisfied the needs and expectation of customers from Dhar Brothers Because this service is more in demand and as well as company should also focus on superiority of other services. METHODOLOGY REASERCH METHODOLOGY Various products/services being offered by Dhar Brothers. The kind of responses received during survey of customers. The form of activities which is effective from the point of view of Customer satisfaction and Swot analysis. To understand what kind of services and customization customers want. To understand the customer needs and expectation from company. Developing innovative methods of approaching the target group . The survey conducted, would help in identifying the perception of a customer about services of company, which would further help in identifying the customer need and expectation and what kind of customization customer wants from company that in other words can say to provide value of money to customers . The survey conducted would give insight regarding whether Dhar Brothers should increase the services for their customers and if yes then in what type of services. Design of Questioner: Two types of questioner is used for survey in house and outhouse. Design of inhouse questioner: In-house questioner is designed for survey of in-house customers at the time of delivery of their thesis binding, the parameter have been taken in this questioner by keeping in the mind that the facts these customer have already taken the service of company, the following parameters have taken, to measure the satisfaction level of customer and analysis of swot areas. Details of customers include name, university, area of thesis, contact number, email-id. From where customer came to know about company? How much customer satisfied with printing, paper binding and price with respect to quality, delivery service within 48hours? How much customer satisfied with service like, waiting time, Employee Behavior, Working environment? What is the strength of company, measurement is done on the basis of some point, for that I attached the questioner at end of project? What is the requirement of customer? At the end an open ended question to get the customers view to serve them better. Design of outhouse questioner: Out house questioner is used for survey of PHD or research students in different universities of Kolkata, in this questioner points have taken by keeping in mind that these customer will use the service of company in future because the Dhar Brother has monopoly in the market regarding business of thesis binding, so by getting earlier the idea of expectation of customers and what type of service they are looking for , so the company will provide that service to customers in future, the point have taken in this questioner are as follows. Details of customers include name, university, area of thesis, contact number, email-id. University name from which the students belong to so that company can find out from which university maximum students will apply for the thesis binding. One question has been put in the questionnaire regarding the month for the thesis binding so that company can get to know their completion of project in advance and will try to capture by using the phone number to increase the sales of company. Selection of sample size: For measuring customer satisfaction and Swot analyisis I have collected the data of 170 customers by using both in-house and outhouse customers. In this project we have considered only those people who are doing their research work either from PhD or their own research work like thesis on literature. (note: because of time constraint could not gather much ). Data collection methods: Data will be collected by survey and interviewing of both in-house and out house customers. For in-house data collection surveying and interviewing of customers will do at the time of delivery of their thesis binding, so customer after checking their delivery can have the idea of quality of their binding and give us the proper response regarding their satisfaction level and other methods I m following to collect the data from our past customers by calling them on their contact no. or by the help of e-mail id and in survey of in-house customers I havent faced any problem. I have collected the data of 170 customers. And for the outhouse survey, my target was PHD students or students who are doing research in different universities of Kolkata , So by visiting in different Kolkata universities and interviewing these people , I have collected the data I had approached in following universities of Kolkata like Calcutta university . Rabindra Bharti , Jadhvpur univer sity, Shibpur B.E college, WBUT etc. Challenges faced in Out house Survey: Initially after visiting in Kolkata universities following problems have come in my path are as To enter inside universities and do the survey work. How to meet PHD students because there are no regular daily classes of PHD students. Sometimes Communication problem because here people mostly communicates in Bengali. To take permission from authorities to do survey work and to find out at what time I can meet with PHD students. Strategies used to overcome these challenges: By using the Reference of college identity card and doing research for academic requirement , till know I have got success to meet with PHD department authorities in universities like Rabindra Bharti universities and Jadhvpur university. I m trying to get the record of students PHD departments o like contact number or email-id , so that I can contact them to collect data . From project guides and PHD authorities get the time when I can meet with these peoples. FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS INITIAL findings The various findings of from the information collected are Dhar Brothers only do binding of thesis of research work. By a comparative analysis of customers of different universities of Kolkata as well as from other states and cities, it can be understood that company has reasonable price with respect to overall quality and Dhar Brothers has monopoly in this thesis binding business no other such big player available in Kolkata for thesis biding. Company imports material for thesis binding like paper, cover page material from Netherland, so the focus of company is to provide best quality and service to our customers. Customers here comes from other states and cities also apart from Kolkata, like Darjeeling, Jharkhand, Bihar, Assam etc., this shows that company has good Brand image , and known for superior quality and fast services. Company has efficient resources, adequate infrastructure and skilled labour and working environment to do the work. Customer appreciate the online order service of company and Home delivery to customers who are away from Kolkata or have some problems to come, this service will help customers to finish their work at time and cost effective also. Customers also appreciate the fast delivery service of company within 48 hours. Hard Binding service provided by company is more in demand. Dhar Brothers has good brand image in this business of thesis binding. ANALYSIS Data which have been collected through questionnaire from in-house and out house will be used for the analysis of data. As the data in the questionnaire contains various different parameters like quality price, delivery system, waiting time, location and others. These parameters will be used for the data analysis and found out the relation between the different parameters. The target group for the survey is PHD students and those who do research work of age group normally more than 25 years of age. Sample Size: 170 (Note : due to time constraint, sufficient amount of response from customers was not gathered) Customers response how they come to know about Dhar Bothers: Friends (Who have used service in past)-62% Guide- 16% Others-2% Family members-12% Internet-8% Graph of customers response how they come to know about Dhar brothers. (Source: This graph is drawn on the basis data collected by customers during survey jan.-april) Above graph shows clear representation from which source number of customer comes here. As we clearly understand from above data and graph Dhar Brothers required more methods of promotion to increase sales of their company because 62% customer come here are recommended by their friends, so company should do promotion in News papers, and Internet On major Research sites so during research of their work, Customer come to know about Dhar brothers, that will help company to boost their sales and by giving demonstration in education fares and in universities. Customer Satisfaction Analysis The parameters which I have taken to measure the customer satisfaction level are , printing quality, paper quality, binding quality , service within 48 hours, waiting time, adequate infrastructure, working environment price with respect to quality . It can be better understand by below graph. Customer satisfaction on the basis of quality of material used for Thesis binding work. (Source: This graph is drawn on the basis data collected by customers during survey ,jan-april) As by analysis of above graph it is clearly visible that customer satisfaction level is very high, customers are highly satisfied by the material quality used for thesis purpose like paper, printing quality, Binding quality, so this is good sign for company. Paper quality 85% are highly satisfied and 15% are average satisfied there is not even one customer who is not satisfied Same is the case with printing and binding quality, from binding quality 80% are highly satisfied and 20% are average and from printing quality 77% are highly satisfied and 23% are average satisfied. Customer satisfaction on the basis of services of company and proximity to location (Source: This graph is drawn on the basis data collected by customers during survey, jan.-april) From the above graph it is clearly visible the customer satisfaction level of services provided by company, customer satisfaction level is very high except some parameter like waiting time, Proximity of location. So company have to work on reduce the waiting time by increase human resource and more systems to provide fast service and other one proximity to location the company can do improve it by taking online demand and home delivery to customer because to open other branches in different location is not feasible for company it requires lot of resources and wealth. And overall if we focus customers are highly satisfied. This shows that feasible steps which companies should take to improve services and customer satisfaction level. Customers satisfaction level regarding overall quality with respect to price Customers satisfaction level regarding overall quality with respect to price is given below with the help of graph. (Source: This graph is drawn on the basis data collected by customers during survey from January to april) From the above graph it is clearly understandable that only 10% customer is very low satisfied with price of Dhar Brothers and 90% are satisfied with price of company with respect to quality out of which 62% customers are highly satisfied and 28 % are average satisfied, so overall customers are satisfied with price, company should not bothered much about those 10% low satisfied customers. Companys main focus should on 90% of customers. From the above three graph used on the basis different parameters it is cleared that customers are satisfied except some parameters like waiting time and proximity to location. The data have taken in all the graphs are of four months January to April. Analysis of what was the requirement of customers The parameters we used for analysis of requirements of customers are services provided by company like Formatting, Printing, Binding Printing, Binding Copier and Binding Only Binding (Source: This graph is drawn on the basis data collected by customers during survey from January to april) It would be understand from the above graph, what percentage of customers taken which category of service, company focus is that every customer should take our first category of services formatting, printing, binding it would give more profit to company but after collection of data and survey of customers it have been found that those customers who have not good knowledge of formatting only those customers taken this service and those who can do formatting done by self to save cost. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths: Company has monopoly in market in the business of thesis binding. Company has adequate infrastructure and machinery. Company has skilled labour to provide superior quality services. Working environment of Dhar brothers is favourable for customers. Dhar Brothers is very cost effective for thesis binding with respect to quality. Online Delivery system and on time delivery. Delivery service within 48 hours. Imported material from Netherland used for the purpose of to provide good quality to customers. Strength of Dhar Brothers according to response o